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Brazil has a historical connection established with Portugal, based on bilateral trade relations dating hundreds of years ago. Currently Brazil is an emerging market with a solid commitment to innovation, energy and digital transition, infrastructure, sea and oceans.

Only in 2022, Brazilian imported products by Portugal almost doubled, reaching 4.5 billion euros. Portugal’s exports to Brazil were around 918 million euros, a result that aggravates the negative trade balance for Portugal.

The fact that it is one of the largest economies in the world, with more than 214.7 million consumers, turns Brazil a very attractive market. Did you know that nowadays there are about 600 Portuguese companies operating in Brazil? On the other hand, due to the strategic location of Portugal, there are several Brazilian companies and investors that see Portugal as a gateway to the European market.

But how can you start exporting products from Brazil to Portugal? Learn about how business transactions between these two countries work in this post.

Exporting from Brazil to Portugal is not necessarily a big deal, but you have to pay attention to details, such as:

  1. Identify the best business opportunities in Portugal.
  2. Take into account cultural differences, habits and traditions.
  3. Choose reliable suppliers.
  4. Provide necessary documentation.

In case of Exporting from Brazil to Portugal, the documents usually required are:

• Export Declaration;

• Commercial and Pro Forma invoice;

• Transport Documentation (Bill of Lading, for Ocean Freight or Airway Bill, for Air Freight);

• Certificate of Origin (or others – Pre-Shipment Inspection Certificate, Phytosanitary Certificates (products from animal or plant origin);

Do you know the main mode of transport used in the export of products from Brazil to Portugal?

• Ocean Freight (almost 95% of exports)

• Air Freight (5,16%)

Main Brazilian states exporting to Portugal:

• Rio de Janeiro

• Mato Grosso

• São Paulo

• Rio Grande do Sul

Regarding the most exported products by Brazil, stands out …

• Oil (responsible for 2.7 of the 4.5 million euros reached last year)

• Soybeans

• Corn

On the other hand, the main imported products by Brazil are …

• Olive oil (almost 300 million euros)

• Aircraft parts

• Wine

Olicargo has a strong networking and partners spread all over the world, including in Brazil, ready to support your company in the process of internationalization and export strengthening in Portugal. Get in touch with us!


Diário de Notícias. (2023). Relações comerciais entre Portugal e Brasil têm “espaço para crescer”. Consultado a 28 de abril de 2023, em:–16235378.html

Jornal de Notícias. (2023). Vendas do Brasil a Portugal quase duplicaram em 2022. Consultado a 28 de abril de 2023, em:

Logcomex. (2022). Como exportar produtos do Brasil para Portugal?. Consultado a 28 de abril de 2023, em:

Portugal Exporta. (2022). Brasil. Consultado a 28 de abril de 2023, em:

Portugal Exporta. (2023). Quais os Documentos de Exportação Essenciais? . Consultado a 28 de abril de 2023, em: