Transit times in shipping are rather uncertain, often fluctuating due to external factors.
For this reason, and in order to ensure that all goods arrive at their final destination on time, it is essential to monitor the entire shipping process, anticipate unforeseen events that may arise and know how to overcome them. Because the more information we have, the greater the reliability of the transport and the forecast regarding the transit time.
But, after all, do you really know this term?
Transit time consists of the time spent moving goods between point A and point B. That is, the time interval between the collection of goods at a point of departure until their arrival and their delivery at a point of destination
Transit time may vary between minutes, hours, days, weeks and even months, depending on several factors. And which are they?
• Weather Conditions
• Roads Cut and/or Inaccessible
• Available Space
• Accidents
• Poor Route Planning
• Product Requirements (e.g. Refrigeration/Hazardous Materials)
• Holidays (e.g. Chinese New Year, July 4)
• Inadequate Handling Equipment
• Breakdown of Equipment
• Port Congestion
• Documentation Errors or Discrepancies
Transit time is an important factor for all companies that purchase raw materials or finished products on a daily basis and intend to transport them to a certain final destination. Often, as long as these items are not received, the company will not be able to operate or fulfill its commitments.
In order to avoid all these constraints, count on your logistics partner to help you optimize transit times and keep you informed along the way!
• Save more money.
• Transport more cargo.
• Satisfy your customers.
Get in touch with us!
Motive. (2022). Understanding transit time in shipping. Consultado a 02 de fevereiro de 2023, em:
Icontainers. (2022). Transit & Shipping Time Calculator. Consultado a 02 de fevereiro de 2023, em:
Marine Insight. (2022). Understanding Transit Time in Shipping. Consultado a 02 de fevereiro de 2023, em: